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# Imports
import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
# Custom Imports
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
import stats_toolbox as st
from stats_toolbox.utils.data_loaders import load_fem_preg_2002
# Graphics setup
%pylab inline --no-import-all
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# Load and Clean Data
df = load_fem_preg_2002('../data')
full_term = df[df['prglngth'] >= 37]
weights = df.birthwgt_kg.dropna()
live = df[df.outcome == 1]
firsts = live[live.birthord == 1]
others = live[live.birthord != 1]
The CDF is the function that maps from a value to its cumulative probability.
: Given a value $x$, computes the probability $p = CDF(x)$ that is the fraction of the sample less than or equal to $x$. The bracket operator is equivalent.value(p)
: Given a probability $p$, computes the corresponding value, $x$; that is, the inverse CDF of p.For convienience, it also contains the follwing methods for working with percentiles:
: Given a value $x$, computes its percentile rank, $100 \times CDF(x)$.percentile(rank)
: Given a percentile rank $rank$, computes the corresponding value, $x$. Equivalent to value(rank/100)
In [3]:
prglngth_cdf = st.Cdf(live.prglngth, label='Pregnancy length')
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In [5]:
firsts_cdf = st.Cdf(firsts.prglngth, label='first babies')
others_cdf = st.Cdf(others.prglngth, label='other babies')
fig = st.multiplot([firsts_cdf, others_cdf], title='CDF of Pregnancy Length')
Cdf also provides sample
, which takes an integer, $n$, and returns a list of n
values chosen at random from the Cdf.
If an event is equally likely to happen over a time period, then the inter arrival time of the events is observed as an exponential distribution. The parameter, λ, can be interpreted as a rate; that is, the number of events that occur, on average, in a unit of time. The mean of an exponential distribution is $1/λ$
One way to test whether a sample is exponentialy distributed is to plot the complementary CDF, which is $1 − CDF(x)$, on a log-y scale. For data from an exponential distribution, the result is a straight line.
The exponential distribution is given by
$$CDF(x) = 1 − e^{−λx}$$which you can rearange to the following
$$CDF(x) - 1 = − e^{−λx}$$$$ln(CDF(x) - 1) = -λx ln(e)$$$$ln(CDF(x) - 1) = -λx$$So the result should be a straight line with gradient λ.
In [6]:
import numpy as np
sample_exp = np.random.exponential(2, 300)
exp_cdf = st.Cdf(sample_exp, label='exp sample')
The plot function for cdfs can take a complement
argument, and a yscale
In [7]:
exp_cdf.plot(complement=True, yscale='log')
# another way is to use the transform argument
# cdf.plot(transform='exponential')
One way is to see how there cdfs compare.
In [8]:
# calculate mean and std
pmf_weights = st.Pmf(live.birthwgt_kg, label='Weights')
print(pmf_weights.mean(), pmf_weights.std())
takes parameters mean
, std
, low
, high
and n
In [9]:
# Make a nornal cdf with the same values for mean and std
xs, ps = st.utils.data_generators.render_normal_cdf(pmf_weights.mean(), pmf_weights.std(), 0, 6, n=1000)
cdf_normal = st.Cdf(xs, ps, label='Normal')
In [10]:
# Generate cdf and plot both on same axis
cdf_weights = pmf_weights.to_cdf()
fig = st.multiplot([cdf_weights, cdf_normal], plt_kwds={'linewidth':1.5})
No such easy transform to test analytical distribution against empirical as with exponential. However here’s an easy way:
If the distribution of the sample is approximately normal, the result is a straight line with intercept mu and slope sigma.
In [11]:
norm1 = np.random.normal(1, 2, 200)
norm2 = np.random.normal(1, 5, 200)
norm3 = np.random.normal(3, 2, 200)
exp1 = np.random.exponential(5, 200)
c1 = st.Cdf(norm1, label='Norm($\mu=1$, $\sigma=2$)')
c2 = st.Cdf(norm2, label='Norm($\mu=1$, $\sigma=5$)')
c3 = st.Cdf(norm3, label='Norm($\mu=3$, $\sigma=2$)')
c4 = st.Cdf(exp1, label='Exp($\lambda=5$)')
takes a single sequence or cdf object, or alternatively a list of sequences or cdf objects,. All are plotted ont he same axis, but the fit line is only for the first object/sequence in the given list. A list of lables can optionally be given to override the defaults.
In [12]:
fig = st.normal_probability_plot([c1, c2, c3], linewidth=2)
In [13]:
fig = st.normal_probability_plot([c1, c4], linewidth=2)
The cdf for a log nognormaly distributed variable is:
$$CDF_{lognormal}(x) = CDF_{normal}(log(x))$$If a sample is approximately lognormal and you plot its CDF on a log-x scale, it will have the characteristic shape of a normal distribution. To test how well the sample fits a lognormal model, you can make a normal probability plot using the log of the values in the sample.
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# Sample data from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
brfss = pd.read_csv('../data/BRFSS.csv')
weights = brfss.wtkg2.dropna()
In [15]:
brfss_weights_cdf = st.Cdf(weights , label='Weights kg')
# Make a nornal cdf with the same values for mean and std
xs, ps = st.utils.data_generators.render_normal_cdf(weights.mean(), weights.std(), 0, 200, n=1000)
norm_cdf = st.Cdf(xs, ps, label='Normal CDF')
From comparing the standad cdfs, difference is not so obvious, though if x is now plotted with a log scale on the x axis, the normal model fits slightly better
In [16]:
# Use subplots to generate all axes objects
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15,6))
# These can then be passed to multiplot, or any other obj.plot() method with the 'axes' keyword
norm_cdf.label = 'Normal CDF'
fig = st.multiplot([brfss_weights_cdf, norm_cdf],
plt_kwds={'linewidth':1.5, 'title': 'Normal CDF Comparison', 'xlabel':'Weight kg'},
norm_cdf.label = 'Lognormal CDF'
fig = st.multiplot([brfss_weights_cdf, norm_cdf],
plt_kwds={'linewidth':1.5, 'xscale': 'log',
'title': 'Lognormal CDF Comparison', 'xlabel':'log(Weight kg)'},
This differnce is more obvious though when visualised as a normal probability plot
In [22]:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(15,6))
fig = st.normal_probability_plot(weights, labels=['weights'], axes=ax1, ylabel='Sample Weights kg')
fig = st.normal_probability_plot(np.log(weights), labels=['log(weights)'], axes=ax2, ylabel='Sample log(Weights) kg')
The CDF of the Pareto distribution is: $$CDF(x) = 1 − \left(\frac{x}{x_{m}}\right)^{-α}$$
The parameters $x_{m}$ and α determine the location and shape of the distribution. $x_{m}$ is the minimum possible value.
There is a simple visual test that indicates whether an empirical distribution fits a Pareto distribution: on a log-log scale, the CCDF looks like a straight line.
This is because taking the log of both sides yields: $$logy ≈ −α(log(x)−log(x_{m}))$$
So if you plot log y versus log x, it should look like a straight line with slope $−α$ and intercept $α log x_{m}$.
In [42]:
import scipy
xs = scipy.stats.pareto.rvs(5, 3, size=1000)
In [43]:
cdf = st.Cdf(xs, label='pareto')
cdf.plot(xscale='log', yscale='log', complement=True)
# or equivilantly with
# cdf.plot(transform='pareto')
For example, the CDF of the exponential distribution is $$p = 1 − e^{−λx}$$ Solving for x yields: $$x = − log(1 − p)/λ$$ So in Python we can write
def expovariate(lam):
p = random.random()
x = -math.log(1-p) / lam
return x
Note: Since log of zero is undefined, we have to be a little careful. The implementation of random.random can return 0 but not 1, so 1 − p can be 1 but not 0, so log(1-p) is always defined.
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